iPhone water damage fixing steps

A Guide to Fixing Water Damage iPhone This Holi

We’ve all been there – a dropped phone in the sink, a forgotten pocket during a downpour. A water damage iPhone can be stressful, but before you rush out to buy a new one, consider trying to fix it yourself. Repairing your phone can be a more affordable option, and it’s easier than you might think!

Act Quickly to Minimize Damage

The faster you take action, the better your chances of reviving your iPhone. Here’s what to do first:

  • Power Down Immediately: This prevents internal components from short-circuiting and causing further damage. Newer iPhones have a moisture indicator that turns red when wet (usually on the SIM tray or bottom). Even older models might have one in the headphone jack or charging port.
  • Dry Thoroughly (Skip the Hairdryer!): Grab a soft, lint-free cloth and gently pat the exterior of your iPhone. Avoid using heat sources like hairdryers, as they can push moisture deeper inside. Remove the case and screen protector to improve airflow. On some models, you can also take out the SIM card and battery for better drying.

Let Your iPhone Breathe

Once you’ve removed any excess water, it’s time for some serious air drying. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Find a Cool, Well-Ventilated Spot: Leave your iPhone in a dry, open area for at least 48 hours. This will dry out the water.
  • Resist the Rice Trick: While placing your iPhone in uncooked rice within a sealed bag is a common suggestion, it’s not the most effective method. Rice can trap debris inside the phone, potentially causing further problems.
  • Silica Gel Packets: A Better Option: These moisture-absorbing packets, often found in packaging materials, can be a more effective drying agent than rice. Place them around your iPhone in a sealed container for better results.

Beware of Corrosion and Back Up Your Data

Water damage can lead to corrosion, which can permanently damage your iPhone’s internal components. Look for red moisture indicators, distorted screen displays, or strange noises as signs of potential trouble.

If your iPhone still turns on: Back up your data as soon as possible! This ensures you don’t lose important photos, contacts, and other information.

Also Read:- iPhone 16: Expected Release Date, Features, and Specifications

When to Seek Professional Help

While these steps can help revive a water damage iPhone, there are situations where professional repair is necessary:

  • No Response After Drying: If your iPhone doesn’t show any signs of life after drying for 48 hours, take it to a professional for repair.
  • Visible Water Damage Inside: If you see water droplets or corrosion within the phone, don’t attempt further repairs yourself.
  • Distorted Screen or Functionality Issues: If your screen displays unusual colors or your iPhone behaves strangely after drying, seek professional help.

Also Read:-Cleaning Your iPhone Like a Pro: Expert Dos and Don’ts

Find a Reputable Repair Shop

If your iPhone needs professional attention, look for an Apple Authorized Service Provider or a reputable repair shop with qualified technicians. They can diagnose the problem and offer repair options. Sell iPhone Online


  • Quick action and proper drying techniques can be the difference between saving your iPhone and buying a new one.
  • This guide is a starting point, and success depends on the severity of the water damage.

By following these steps and acting quickly, you might be able to save your water-damaged iPhone and avoid the cost of a replacement. However, if the damage is severe, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from a qualified technician.

If you want to sell old mobile phone online, cash2phone is best place to get cash for phones.

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